Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cardfight Budgetguard: Rules G-era

Hey Cardfighters,

We have just started the G-era of Cardfight Vanguard and with it comes and extra deck filled with powerful grade 4 stride cards. This brings up some issues with my previous rules.

Release plan: Every Week I will release 1 deck. (Still happening)

Budget: $30  $40 including sentinel cards and strides. (card prices will be based on the tcgplayer online store for vanguard using the median price indicated for each card. If it is not at tcgplayer then I will use ebay. Commons will be excluded)  I will still mainly be using TCGplayer but they don't have GBT1 cards so I will use Ideal808 for them. My pricings make get more mixed as time goes on.

*The reason for the $10 increase in budget is pretty simple. Before I was making 50 card decks with a budget of $30 but now I need to add up to 8 extra cards while keeping the deck at a low price. Assuming we use the minimum 4x Miracle Element Atmos who is going for around 2.50 I need to spend $10 meaning I would have to build my main deck with $20 which really isn't going to happen. Especially if you want something that will do decently.*

Testing: I will run them through a gaunlet to give win-loss ratios versus 3 top tier decks.Tests will be 10 games half with the budget deck starting first half with the top tier starting first. (ignoring gradelock games and double critical from 3 damage games.) This proved to be too time consuming and I have dropped it the past two weeks. Another factor in consideration is that the program I was using to test did not have a G-zone which makes it fairly inconvenient for me to test anymore thus I have moved to 1-2 games on CF-AREA with each deck and doing an in-depth recap on the game.

I am still considering whether or not to sell the decks that I post but if you e-mail me at with an offer I will consider it. (I do have physical copies of all the decks I post even if I test them online.)

Thank you,

- Bambi

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